Wednesday, July 3, 2013

SEVERE Premenstrual Syndrome Or Pms
SEVERE Premenstrual Syndrome Or Pms
Premenstrual Syndrome Or Pms (PMS) is a wide spectrum of symptoms related to a woman's menstrual period. The condition manifests itself in a variety of signs which may include moods swings, irritability, tender breasts, depressions and food cravings. The syndrome brings about physical and emotional changes that tend to be extreme in some months while being faintly noticeable in others. Severe PMS, also known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder, is a disabling advancement of the premenstrual syndrome or pms which results in austere mood shifts that could upset your daily life activities.

Just like PMS, severe PMS starts about 7 to 10 days prior to your periods and continues for a few days after your periods. In both case, one experiences bloating, changes in sleep pattern, breast tenderness, fatigue and change in eating habits. However, unique to sever PMS are more advanced behavioral and emotional symptoms which will include anxiety and tension, sadness, anger, extreme irritability and tense moodiness. While the clinical causes of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are not very clear, it is possible that the primary cause of PMS which is attributed to hormonal changes plays a role in worsening the signs and symptoms of mood disorders.

Theoretically, hormones called endogenous opioids are believed to contribute to the severe form of PMS. This follows from the fact that endogenous opioids are responsible for regulating symptoms as well as influencing mood. One these hormones are the beta-endorphins which studies have shown is normally lower during the severe PMS cycle. Research has established that women suffering from severe PMS are greatly responsive to pain and record lower levels of pain-fighting chemicals in the body. They thus suffer glaring depression, irritability and physical symptoms such as backaches, migraines and cramping.

Remedies and treatments of severe form of PMS are directed at curbing and preventing symptoms. Regular aerobics and a healthy diet that is less in refined sugar are good ways to prevent the appearance of PMDD. Certain antidepressants have shown results in alleviating the signs and symptoms of severe PMS. The antidepressants will reduce emotional symptoms, food cravings, sleep disorders and fatigue associated with the syndrome. The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors can reduce symptoms of PMDD when taken in the interval between ovulation or at the outset of the period. Use of Birth control pills also reduces the symptoms of severe form of PMS by way of stopping ovulation and stabilizing your hormonal balance.

There are nutritional supplements that have also been credited with offering relief from the signs and symptoms of severe PMS. Taking a considerable amount of dietary calcium daily will lessen the symptoms of the disorder. Other supplements known to help with premenstrual syndrome or pms include Vitamin B-6, L-tryptophan and magnesium. Herbal extracts of chasteberry may also reduce the symptoms of anger, irritability, moodiness and headaches.

Maintaining a respectable diet and a healthier lifestyle goes a long way in keeping the premenstrual symptoms at bay. One should therefore have regular exercises, cut back on caffeine and avoid any emotional triggers at all cost. It is very crucial to assess your symptoms with the help of your doctor who will recommend on specific remedies and treatments for your symptoms. A comprehensive medical examination is essential in determining whether your symptoms are as a result of severe PMS or some other health condition.

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