Thursday, May 23, 2013

Power Pendants - Quantum Energy Healing Jewelry
Power Pendants - Quantum Energy Healing Jewelry
The idea behind the Power Pendants is similar to our High Energy Pendulums, but the charge is much deeper and when activated by the end user - it will not only boost the vibration rate and create a set of variables based on your bio-signature (it's like a direct telephone line upstairs), but it will also help you make right decisions based on your chosen path. Combine that with dowsing and you have a winning combination. The charge is at molecular level, so it's very strong and stable.

To activate it for the full potential - hold it in your receiving (usually left) hand, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and let the subtle healing energy from the pendant enter your body. You may feel a slight tingling sensation or feeling of warmth spreading throughout your body, you may feel light-headed for a while, but it will pass as soon as your body's bio-signature matches the energy signature of the pendant.

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